Weekly Recap!

Finally! Here’s a weekly recap on my first week of September 2007. ๐Ÿ™‚

Hmm… the last three posts left a “dark” impression. It’s time to brighten up my Personal Homepage with some fun pictures and photos:-

Wednesday – 5th September

Initially, I planned to execute the entire duration of the week-long PLRGold5 launch from my home in Johor Bahru (that’s one thing cool about working from home, by the way ๐Ÿ™‚ ). But having stayed in PJ and KL for a few months already, I have unfinished business to attend to thus cutting my stay in JB short.

And so, I made haste to PJ by bus in the morning. Pretty hectic, considering that I hardly slept in the past several days due to over-excitement, anxiety and enormous idea overload.

Heh. Story of my life.

And just when I was going to “go low on battery” upon arrival in PJ…

Vegetable Soup

Thanks Eve, for coming to my rescue! ๐Ÿ™‚ Delicious vegetable soup, cooked with love and all things nice. That was my lunch for the day, by the way.

Okay, now on with some serious offline/online business. Grr…

Thursday – Quest for a New Base

Since I will be pro-longing my stay in PJ/KL (friends, this is the part where you say “hooray for Edmund!“), and that I am not fixed nor committed to staying in a particular location for any projects or contracts, thus no reason for me to continue staying in the haunted house room I am currently renting, I decided to venture out and look for a new place to stay. ๐Ÿ™‚

I came across this place in Damansara Kim with a Jennifer Chang, a new acquaintance (more about her next time around). The house is love at first sight, so to say. I live quite simple and thrifty by nature (that’s how I’m able to live in the current haunted house rented room).

The house is quite clean overall. All of the electrical power points are functional. The grass is short and the garden is easy to maintain. The bathroom has a heater. The area is generally safe, peaceful and secure. ๐Ÿ™‚ Ah, and did I mention that rent is relatively affordable too? The only draw back is that the house is pink in color. But then, that’s what makes it distinguishing and… it’s better than the haunted house rented room I am living in at the moment, again.

I look forward to establishing my base here anytime next week, after I spring clean it. Friends, I’ll be inviting you over. ๐Ÿ˜›

The Empty Hall

The Empty Hall Again!

Let’s Go Walk Around and Unwind…

Now that I have secured myself a new settlement for global domination in PJ/KL, it’s time to…

… Nah, not go back to work again.

I find it interesting that many self-made entrepreneurs often continue to work, work and work, even though they answer to only themselves. And what more fascinating is that most of the successful entrepreneurs continue to work although they have more than enough wealth to last them a lifetime! I haven’t reached that stage yet, though I consider myself highly accomplished and successful in my own rights.

Then, I guess it all boils down to passion. You don’t tell an artist to stop painting pictures, do you? Neither do you tell a musician to stop producing new records. On the same token, you don’t tell entrepreneurs to stop making money, or stop doing business, or stop selling, or stop helping other people, or stop doing whatever they are (enjoying) doing.

But I have also come to learn that play and having fun is just as important as work is – despite so many friends and concerned beings tirelessly drumming this fact into my thick skull. Ha! Ha!

So for a start, I decided to take a trip with my MP4 to… KLCC. ๐Ÿ™‚

As soon as I exited the KLCC LRT station, I first took a detour to Avenue K. Haven’t been here for 3 years, I think. It was relatively new and under construction when I was went there.

Avenue K

Hey wait… haven’t had my dinner yet. I need to make a detour to Burger King.

Burger King

(Half an hour later)

Yuuummy *burp*… now let’s continue our little adventure, shall we? ๐Ÿ™‚


Huh? Empty? Whoa. 4-5 floors of empty stores with no one in sight. Was I in the wrong building? Nevermind. Let’s head over to some place with more life.

Inside KLCC

Yep. KLCC. ๐Ÿ™‚ Teeming with people and life.

Comics Mart @ Midvalley Megamall

I’ve also checked out Comics Mart at Midvalley Megamall. There was a featured article on it in the papers just several days back, raving about it being the proxy of all comic and game buffs.

A Day Well Spent Unwinding…

… now back to my humble room. ๐Ÿ™‚

The Rented Room

A lot of my friends and people who have been to this room before often wonder how I could settle for a place like this, even though it’s a temporary place for me in PJ/KL. Believe me, I’ve stayed in places worse than this somewhere along in my life. And I also know what it’s like being homeless for a few days in a foreign country. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The only reason I chose this place some 6 months ago was because of my apprenticeship with Sen Ze and I needed to be as close to his office as possible, thus I picked location over comfort. Besides, I knew I was going to be hardly at home anyway.

Now that my Apprenticeship contract has expired, and that I still have unfinished business to attend to in PJ/KL, I’m game on shifting to a better place now (hint: the house in pink). After all, I don’t have to fix myself to a particular location.

Friday Night

Okay, done with business. Now it’s time to have some fun again. This time, I had my dinner in a “more luxurious than usual” place, Dragon-I.

But before that…

Matt Ng Spoiler


Dinner at Dragon-I

Having late dinner at Dragon-i, 1Utama.
L-R: Eric, Ken, Eileen, Matt.

One World Hotel

The One World Hotel experience. ๐Ÿ™‚

So that wraps it up! Posted a lot of stuff on my Personal Homepage quite frequently as of lately. I need to give it a rest.

Edmundรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs Many Facets

7 thoughts on “Weekly Recap!

  1. Hey Ed! Remember to invite me for the housewarming man ๐Ÿ™‚

    Good to know that u r shifting our from the haunted house.. but there goes my ‘free’ parking lol.. let’s see how long I can go without getting another saman.. ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. Hey Foo,

    I was thinking of that. Just spoke to Khai on the phone on this. After moving in, thought of having our Catan’s final showdown at my place. ๐Ÿ™‚

    As for the “free parking”, I don’t think it should be a problem really. You can still use the utility bill. After all, it’s not like the guys in white actually bother to trace your connection to the place. Haha!

  3. Whoa that’s veery negative.

    I’ve just finished cleaning the house today. Should be moving in real soon and once I’m settled, let’s game, ok? ๐Ÿ˜‰

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