Okay I’ve been stocking up a barrage of photos in my hand phone over the past two weeks and it’s finally time to upload them onto my Personal Blog! 🙂
Stuart Tan’s Supertelethon.org
Alright, there are no photos to display here because the call was done over the phone. On 13th September, I took part in Stuart Tan’s Super Telethon Charity program – whereby I was one of the 36 speakers, each participating in a 60-minute call with Stuart Tan.
I got my hand phone loaded with more than enough prepaid credits and battery charged just in time to take the call. Definitely, it wouldn’t have been nice to become a “no show†and who else better to talk on the subject of Private Label Rights? 🙂 Ha ha!
I have had the pleasure of meeting Stuart in person earlier this year at Adam Khoo Learning Technologies in Tanjong Pagar, Singapore. I found Stuart to be friendly and motivating. This is the same guy who had authored/co-authored a number of best-selling books on Self Improvement and Internet Marketing? Amazing!
Certainly, I look forward to meeting him again real soon, possibly next month in Singapore.
Moving into the Pink House
It was rise and shine – time to leave the “falling apart†house for a better place to call home… away from home!
After 15 minutes of packing everything up, this pretty much summarized all the things I was going to take with me. One car trip definitely more than suffices!

On my way out, I spotted a familiar looking car in maroon. I wonder who drives this devilish car? Hmmm… looks like the Fuu Fuu Mobile.

Once moving in the things into the new pink house, Khai and I made a quick dash to IKEA to purchase some furniture like chair, table and a 3-drawer cupboard.

Yup, that’s me lazing around on the chair at IKEA. Think Professor X (or Professor Loh if you’d rather).
As soon as we brought the things back to my new place, I quickly unpacked the boxes and went on to set up my first chair!

Not bad for someone who isn’t good at handiwork, huh? 😉 Unfortunately, the handy work proved too much for me so predictably, I hired Matt to help me with the table and cupboard set up.

Looks like Matt grew tired of my incompetence when it comes to handiwork. That’s ample warning alright!
Next, I had to help Jennifer with the moving of her things from her apartment into the new house as well. This would mean FREE furniture, decorations and kitchen utilities for me in this new home! 🙂 However, I don’t cook and I hardly watch TV, if any at all.
In a nutshell, Jennifer owns a chain of laundry businesses – 5 in all – TTDI, Bukit Jelutong, Bangsar, and two more. And she’s definitely NOT stopping: she’s currently expanding her business further and I could see she is the frugal entrepreneur stereotype, whereby you pour most of your profits back into the business for expansion over spending on yourself.
Hmm… that pretty much solves my laundry problems. 😛
Heading to Mindvalley Labs
Ah, life of an X-Men. 🙂 The Institute of Higher Learning for Gifted Youngsters. Honestly, for some reason, I feel quite at home there though I spend only a couple of hours there a day, and come in on the average of 2-3 days a week.

Saw Yuenn on a Piano Lessons Ad!
Heeey… looks like Yuenn is actually famous!
Got Stuck in a Lift for More than 30 Minutes!
Now how often do things like this actually happen? Close to zero. Or so I thought.
I was leaving Mindvalley Labs when the lift suspended at the first floor – one more storey to the ground floor! It was a Lif Bomba thus there were two doors in the lift: one being the main and the other on the left.
When the lift was suspended at the first floor, the side door was opening a little, and then it closed. Then it opened a little again, and then it closed. Over and over again. And due to the violent impact, the lift was practically shaking every 10 seconds.
And you know what? I was all alone in the lift!
I was to meet John Tan shortly to discuss a programming project but as luck had it, there was no reception in the lift therefore my hand phone was practically rendered useless. And not that pressing all the buttons on the lift actually helped, anyway.
For a moment, I really, REALLY thought I was going to die. Suddenly becoming pessimistic, I counted the levels below the first floor: Ground, LG1, LG2, B1, B2. If the lift breaks by any chance, I would plunge down to my death 5 storey deep. Life flashed before my eyes.
Well hey, who has ever heard of people dying because of lifts breaking off? But thanks to the horror/action movies I have been watching, the scenes of lifts breaking off and people inside plunging down to their explosive deaths came rushing to my mind, at a time where a big chunk of my logic flew off my head.
Fortunately, there was an INTERKOM feature on the lift! After ringing the button a couple of times, I was almost relieved when I heard the security personnel answered my distress for rescue! 🙂
While waiting for the lift door to open…

After experiencing quake every 10 seconds for more than half an hour and lights going on and off occasionally, I rushed out as soon as the door opened!
I was half-expecting someone – the maintenance guy – to be around so I could thank him. But there was no one in sight. Oh, so the lift door was opened by remote control, huh?
Uh, thanks anyway. I would better be off to my meeting with John (and still got there 5 minutes early in spite of the half an hour delay)!
I was relating this to Hazel and being the preacher and hailer of all things logic, she went on to patiently explain to me the structure of a lift, where was it made (China, by the way), why it would never fall off, yadda yadda yadda… (Sorry, my caveman brain could only absorb so much but thanks for the education!). 🙂
Goes to show that little knowledge is dangerous, no knowledge at all is embarrassing! I’m still not sure about taking a lift again though; might prefer the stairs this time?
Playing Settlers of Catan with Dennis Sim
Dennis Sim the comment guy! He came all the way from Klang NOT to comment on us, but to join us in two rounds of Settlers of Catan. 😛
Being a first timer, Khai patiently explained the rules of the game to Dennis.

And over here, we have Yuenn showing off her rubber band skills. She just made an airplane out of two rubber bands!

Can’t seem to leave me alone, huh? Yuenn built a town all over my face and torso.

Okay, it’s game time!

2 Hours Later…
Sorry I just had to win both the games, friends! 😛 (I bet Khai and Yuenn were fuming… especially Yuenn.)
Random Shots

Elephant on a trailer on Saturday night!

A dizzy shot at the Bangsar Permai Saturday Night party.

Khai Lee probably drank too much.

Pour this solution over your computer and expect it to get rid of your stubborn spam problems instantly! 🙂
Heeey… it’s a stray kura! Feel like smuggling it back home. 😛

I could use a bit of hair cut soon…
And to Wrap it Up…
What a fruitful two weeks of fun after the Product Launch! 🙂
I’d better rest well before I continue with my Internet Marketing journey to supremacy. Thanks for the King’s treatment, Eve! 🙂
Haha!! Well.. at least you have some *quality* meditation time for life reflections in the lift 🙂 Ho w many people actually really have even 5 mins to themselves?
You’re soooooo dramatic….
Lucky they let you out!
I do soul-searching and self-meditation quite often, definitely more than 5 minutes! 🙂 Dramatic? More like I was “over-pessimistic”, haha!
W-ell, I wonder if that can be called “near-death experience” since I actually thought I was going to die…. 😛