Edmund here, writing from the KLIA as the flight is about to leave Malaysia for Narita Airport, Japan in about half an hour from now. I hope the Internet connection there is significantly better – had been staying in Klang past night and traveling down to KL the day before – connection was horrible!
So I hope the Internet access in Japan hotel is better so I can keep my readers posted, hopefully every night, while I document the journey on full account. 🙂
Catch you all later…
P.S. I will be back in Malaysia 1st October. Until then, all support helpdesk customer queries will be handled by my V.A. I won’t be around to read JV offers until I get back.
Coool, video blogging 🙂
Do some video introduction for with jap girls too alright? 😛
And are you sure you’ll be free at night to blog? 😉 hahaha
Hey Foo,
I’m in Japan right now actually. Yeah will post the pics soon and vids as well – culture shock really. LOL
Have fun and get some souveneirs back! 😛
Well, I can safely report that Edmund has made it to Japan OK!
I can also report he’s being treated almost like a rock star here in Japan by all – yes, including the girls 🙂
Hopefully, I’ll get the real, unedited photos & unscripted reports live for all & sundry to enjoy shortly.