Secrets of Millionaire Students Now Available in Singapore Bookstores

The book Secrets of Millionaire Students is now available in major book stores throughout Singapore. If you are in Singapore, you can now get your copy. I will let you know when the book is going to be available here in Malaysia too.

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3 thoughts on “Secrets of Millionaire Students Now Available in Singapore Bookstores

  1. hi Edmund,

    I was there last week lol………..

    Good sales for your books!

    Joey Chua

  2. Hey Joey,

    You mean you were in Singapore? The book came out on 17th. And yes, let’s hope that’s the case. 😛 Will let you know when it’s finally available in Malaysia.

  3. Hi Edmund,

    Ya, i was in Singapore when the book shud be launch lol:P

    Thx, will appreciate you keep me update abt tis:)

    Joey Chua

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