Who would have thought that Gemas makes a good place for a short retreat, even if it’s for only a couple of days? 🙂
I read an article about Gemas earlier this month and like many people, the only impression I knew of Gemas was the KTM station every time the Intercity Train passes by.
After pulling off a lot of online projects and not to mention the countless hours I spend behind the computer, I decided to call for a time-out as I was in dire need of a good mental break. So last week I packed off for a one man adventure in Gemas, Negeri Sembilan.
14th December: Arriving at Gemas

I arrived at the sleepy town in the ‘deadest’ time of the day – afternoon.

I was lightly packed; I ditched my laptop, work, you name it. Even my note book where I would scribble my ideas down. I needed to put my mind away from business for at least 2 days. So all I had were enough spare clothes for a day, wallet loaded with liquid cash (because I wasn’t sure about finding ATM machines in the rural area) and a printed article from the online newspaper.

Since I came alone, I took very few pictures of myself. However I couldn’t pass up posing near the old train, that has been sitting in the off-track since almost forever. Good thing I learned how to use the ‘self timer’ feature. I can be such a noob with technology. 🙂
Exploring Gemas Town
Life here in Gemas is slow pace. And veeery quiet.

It really felt like I was going back in time. Interesting to note: I saw a few computer shops but they were all closed down. I guess computers are not really a popular thing over here.

As I could use some exercise, I started exploring Gemas – the off roads, quiet neighborhoods and wherever the roads lead to.

There are many old folks and senior citizens but I saw very few young people.
After spending most of the day walking around, doing self reflections and of course marvel at nature – I bunked in at a hotel 5 minutes from the Gemas station.

I also had my late night supper at the Gemas Station canteen and tried out the RM1 nasi lemak that was raved about in the newspaper article.

Granted it’s cheap, but there’s really nothing to it. However most of the items on the menu are easily RM2 and below, the most expensive being an alcoholic drink for RM7. Most of the things sold here are cheap too.

By nightfall, all of the old pre-WWII buildings in town were covered with birds. Literally. On every roof, fence and electric cable. I’ve never seen so many birds in my life. Perhaps a good scenario for a horror animal movie? 🙂
15th December: The Journey Continues
I woke up unusually early today – 6:00 AM. Very unlike me. 🙂
After having breakfast at the nearest mamak stall, I set foot for a path I was saving from the day before.

I wanted to visit the Kelemah River War Memorial – which was about 10 kilometers away from the hotel. However the taxi driver I talked to told me that while he could send me there, there are hardly any other taxis passing by so going back would be difficult. Thus I passed up the chance. Maybe some other time.
So I spent the next 2 hours in the morning walking along the winding road, which I wonder where it would lead me to. 🙂

After the long hours of walking about and using a good exercise, it was time to check out of the hotel by noon and leave for home.
Granted, there’s nothing hip and cool about Gemas. But it makes a good retreat for those who are mentally drained. 🙂