Jakarta: Re-entry

13th – 15th January 2010. It was just more than a week before that I launched my first non-Internet Marketing website ever, PIPsician.com – to attract people who are interested in the opportunities of making money from Foreign Exchange (Forex).

Even though targeted at only Malaysians, surprisingly, many who signed up to my mailing list are from… Indonesia! 🙂

If not for my friend, Dee Ferdinand, I wouldn’t have thought let alone come again to Jakarta, Indonesia. This would be my second time here.

Prospecting the opportunities of opening a new market in a new country. Why not? That’s what I was here for!

So I bought my plane ticket and flew down to Jakarta, Indonesia to conduct a preview on Forex the SRDC way.

Marcus Chang helped provided the Powerpoint slides just a few hours shy before I left for Jakarta. 🙂

15 people showed up for the preview, all of them Dee’s friends and contacts. Was able to close 6 of them to come down to Malaysia for the 23rd January USU class. yay YAY yay! 😛

Wrapped up the last night here with a trip to one of the malls in Jakarta, ate at the food court with the group. 🙂

Btw, Warong “Buntut” LOL spotted this. In Bahasa Indonesia “buntut” means “tail” but in Malay it means “ass” Haha!

I know I’ll have to be back here in Jakarta again! 🙂

(to be continued in the next post…)