25th – 27th June 2010.
When I saw the weekend holiday package at http://summerbreak.com.my/ it came about the right time. I could use a little weekend getaway. So I rounded up my friends for the trip: Foo, Gerardine Tan and Desmond Ong.

The Summer Break Volume I tour was organized by Youth Asia. Since the cost of the travel was subsidized by the Tourism of Perak, for only RM380 we could enjoy:
– 3 days 2 nights stay at a 5-star hotel (at least that’s what the website said when I saw it)
– welcome dinner + 2 breakfasts
– bus travel from and back to the Subang Airport
Since the idea of this group holiday travel conceived originally from the yearly Leisure Camp my scout troop used to organize last time in school, participants get to do anything they want once they arrive in Pangkor. The whole idea is leisure and relax.

Well thing was, this became too much like the Leisure Camps I’ve been to last time. TOO MUCH, haha.
For one, it was NOT a 5-star hotel. Far from it. LOL I should have known. From the looks of it, more like a 3-star hotel. With premium price and terrible room service to boot.

Not to mention the horrid bathroom. I spent one hour trying to take a bath because the cold water knob didn’t work (only the hot water knob worked) and the technician took forever to come.
But the company I was in made up for the cons. ๐

Foo introduced us to the “girls next door”: Li Yi, Selina Ng, Christine Lee and ETeng.
The first night we were here, we had our dinner in the open field. Would you believe the name of the place? Joetan. lol
There was dancing and I got myself into a one-on-one breakdance battle against another dude, who has got impressive footwork and toprocks. Got a little hurt, and definitely got very dirty doing power moves on grass. Was out of touch as it was a long time since I was breakdanced, but I’m glad I could bust some windmills out.
So next day, we went for jungle trekking. But the morning started with some “kerja amal” (voluntary work). Haha, it was a good con job from the hotel management to get tourists to clear the place. We could use the warm-up nonetheless.

This was also the first time we went jungle trekking… in a tractor. More like jungle tractor, heheh!

Even after the jungle trekking, our group decided to become more adventurous and we took our own journey deeper to the other side of the beach.

Unfortunately, the surprise leech attack stopped our extended jungle trekking journey. ๐ The girls were screaming and the leeches started falling from the top of the trees! I was the only one lucky enough to escape without a pesky leech on me. ๐
So yeah, that killed our adventurous spirit. LOL

Next up in the evening, we hit the beach! My first time riding a jet ski too. And guess what? 30 seconds into skiing, I was capsized. Good thing I was still near the shore. *cough* damn salt water

Played football on the beach, napped under the coconut tree (sounds like what you always read in a typical Internet Marketing sales letter?), getting hit by roaring waves… aaah ๐
Night came, and we played foosball… room match! Room 144 vs Room 146! ๐

This is like “high school” for adults. We even went to the beach at night. Played some lighting effects (forgot the name), and Truth or Dare. lol

The holiday won’t be complete without the “magic vending machine” though. Something only our group of friends will know better. ๐

Until the next group vacation together, perhaps? How about year end? ๐