I won’t be going anywhere for the time being until my trip to the US in February next year. I’ll be clocking in gym time again on at least two times a week – and beyond that, do my own workouts at home with body weight training.
My motivation has been renewed ever since friends commented I look buffer now. YES, A BIG WIN considering that I failed my attempt in 2012. I was putting on muscles but vomited it all out and felt nausea for a very loooong time, thus shrunk back. Plus for most of my life I have to bare with people around me saying how thin and scrawny I was, and “ah boy boy, you need to eat more rice”.
I weighed 59-60 kilos average then; now I am consistently 65 kilos for the last three months.
One of my recent photos. Yes, I’m making gains!
Yesterday I visited the QLS Fitness gym and my latest PR for dead lifts is 120 kilos or 264 lbs. A 22 lbs increase since my best record of 242 lbs in 2013!
I was gunning for 130 kilos which would have been double my body weight but alas, I couldn’t even lift the bar off the ground. Not even 125 kilos. So 120 kilos it was. I shall try again in a couple of months.
While I am happy with my progress, the increase in body weight came at a price: I also put on some unwanted love handles on the sides. And I’ll be hitting 30 soon, which means I need to watch what I eat now more than before.
Now that I’ve achieved my long desired ideal body weight, it’s time to go for that ideal body: get rid of the flabs and replace with six packs!