Finally, I’ve fulfilled the promise I made to myself 23 year old self – that is to get a BMW while I’m still in my 20’s!
And I sure held it off for years… With only one year plus left to hit my target (going to be 29 years old in less than a week)
Sometimes I think I could have had achieved it faster if I had kept the fire burning and hustle at high intensity. Maybe I could have gotten a new car at least 2 years earlier?
However I don’t regret the process. I am very glad I followed the process of accumulating my material gains in an ‘orderly fashion’ and stuck to it.
Take care of my mom’s side first -> build and grow the business -> secure a house first and get out of rented property -> squeezed in at least 1 property purchase for investing -> then finally I move in to reward myself with a new car!
I wouldn’t have had it any other way.
I know most people would have splashed on a big car almost immediately after making some money. Which is totally unwise no matter how I see it.
I know with 100% conviction that I earned my new ride the right, smart way and that I took care of my bases very well before anything else.
So what’s next? Just gonna grow my digital publishing and online marketing business further, and buy more assets! That’s the name of the game. 🙂