Life Changing Money Challenge

9 years ago I joined the first Life Changing Party (now renamed Life Changing Money Challenge). Here I am again… So so so different ! Game is more app driven now, sumptuous food and great company!

What Is Life Changing Money Challenge?

Think of it as Monopoly or CashFlow 101 carried out in a live event. When you walk into the Hall, the year is 2016 (current). Every participant goes on the app and plays the game, Life Changing Money Challenge.

The game is driven by a virtual currency called LCD or “Life Changing Dollars”. The objective of the game is to amass as much LCDs as possible. Top 3 players with highest net worth wins.


How Is It Played?

The game is divided into two Phases. Phase 1 is basically played BEFORE the event itself. You start off with LCD 1 Million, and there is an incentive to start collecting LCD as all these carries over to the main event on the night itself.

Players get LCDs by referring friends, answering Q&As, or take a chance with Fate Codes (akin to gambling).

Phase 2 begins during the live event itself.

You start off with whatever you’ve earned in Phase 1 + LCD 10 Million.

Mirroring reality, players can do a variety of things to build (or lose) their wealth: buy Businesses, Franchises, stocks, properties, even gamble (lol), Auction, make deals with other Players, etc.

And just like real life, there are huge investments beyond individual players that it requires team work and negotiating.

Theoretically, every 20 minutes means 1 year has passed in the game – but some technical difficulties with the app and some events like Lively Larry and Auctioning took a bit more time than it should.

However the game ended at Year 2021, 5 years later…

What Do You Get For Winning?

Top 3 winners from Phase 1 and Phase 2 win various prizes.

As a sponsor of the event, I was not eligible for winning. But I still went all out to play. 😛

Even so, the players sure are crazy even if I were eligible, I wouldn’t have won any prizes haha…

In Phase 1, I finished 5th place.

In Phase 2, I finished 7th place – even with a windfall of LCD10Million from playing a silly ‘human jackpot’ game LOL

It was a fun night overall – it also doubled as a mini reunion with some of my workshop students and other business friends.

I’ve also learned what a saver I am when it comes to money. I suspect if I threw everything I had into stocks (I had good pickings) I would indefinitely make way more and possibly top everyone… then again, it’s not something I would’ve dare done in real life.

Learned a lot about my own money habits that night!