Facebook Certification Blueprint – Success!

While I don’t believe that Certifications = Success, I found some time to take the Facebook Blueprint Certification online exam over the weekend.

It is the 100-101 Foundation level for Digital Marketing Associate. Done in 20 minutes and passed with an 873/900 score (700 to pass) – yayyyy 🙂


Feels good for sure. I don’t remember scoring so well in exams back in school. Haha!

Once in a while, there will be that kopitiam aunty or uncle that would ask if I am “certified” even though I had already spent 6 figures in paid advertising to date. Well, for just USD49 I can shut them up and leave behind no doubts. 🙂

Of course, it’s easy to say this now because it took years of experience, and plenty of trial and error (not to mention a lot of ad accounts disabled!) to be able to breeze through this exam and get the digital badge.

Again, the exam merely tests theory and knowledge and should never be used as a sole indication for competency. It cannot substitute experience in the school of hard knocks.

I might consider the advanced certification exam in the future, but for now it’s back to the business building game. Covid-19 and MCO sure left a lot of monkey wrenches in my plans and it’s high time to regain the initiative from all the past losses and uncertainties.

Onward and upward!