Getting Ready for the UYMG Seminar and another Crossword Puzzle for You :-)

Hello Kids (and Kids at Heart)!

I am getting ready to attend the 5-day “Unleash Your Marketing Genius” seminar by Stephen Pierce at the KLCC Convention Center on 28th of this month… all thanks to the seminar ticket awarded by none other than Hazel! 😛

Due to the long hours at the seminar each day, I don’t expect to update my Personal Blog for a while. However, here’s yet another Edmund Loh Crossword Puzzle to keep you entertained at the moment. I spent half an hour doing this so this should keep you amused for a while. 🙂

Expect this one to be more challenging than the first, by the way.

The Edmund Loh Crossword Puzzle Challenge #2: Friends & Acquaintances

Okay friends and blog stalkers visitors! Some of you might wonder why and how I obtained the seminar ticket for free. Was it because I bribed Hazel into giving me a seat No, I’m not a freeloader. Perhaps I participated in a slogan-writing contest? Well, she could have just given the ticket to anyone else. But why me? (Actually I have my own guesses, and I’d like to believe THIS is WHY.) 😉

Now if you know who my friends and acquaintances are, you will then unlock the ULTIMATE answer! 🙂

So here’s the deal:

A. Complete the crossword puzzle using the clues as given below.
B. After completing the crossword puzzle, re-arrange all the alphabets in the blue boxes to form two different words that hold the key to the answer!

One example has already been done for you. It’s up to you to complete the rest!

This puzzle will certainly prove to be more challenging than the first. Not only are the clues less obvious, the crossword puzzle has included both good pals… and pals whom I have just come to know only recently! And it’s definitely harder to make wild guesses now because as of lately, I have been meeting a lot of new people.

Okay, enough of discouraging you. 😛 Let’s see you try decoding it!

Crossword Puzzle Challenge #2

1. He was the first partner who went into business with me on my first year online. (Hint: Old neighborhood friend and had helped introduce me to my first and last full time job!)
2. Practically named after a type of nut.
3. This tri-lingual creature has an obsessive passion for designer board games.
4. I am betting my financial future on this slimy, black hatter.
5. This friendly chap is only 1-2 years my junior, but is already a millionaire!
6. My former junior scout comrade back in my high school days; responsible for whipping a galore of stunning graphics for my products and websites!

7. The one responsible for introducing The Settlers of Catan as a hobby.
8. She hails all the way from the south with stunning piano skills to boot.
9. The sweet angel who sure knows how to treat me like a prince!
10. One of my deadliest ghostwriting assassins who also knows how to party real hard.
11. Easily my BEST customer! He shares the same name with that famous 70’s singer.
12. The Malaysian version of Macgyver.
13. The friendly programming elite who hails from Indonesia, whom I have had the pleasure of meeting him in person in Singapore middle of this year.

The Answer:
“Because I am _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!”

Okay, have fun solving this, kids and kids-at-heart! 🙂 I will release the answers as soon as the 5 day seminar is over.

*Oh, and a final hint (and encouragement)* I’ve mentioned the names of these people AT LEAST ONCE in my blog. So practically, you can uncover some of the clues just by teeth-combing through my past blog archives! 🙂

The Edmund Loh Crossword Puzzle Challenge!

Hello Kids (and Kids at Heart)!

I’m about to put your “Edmund Loh” knowledge to the test through my unique crossword puzzle quiz… with a twist added to it. 🙂

Alright, here’s the deal so listen carefully: you are about to discover one of my highly treasured, priceless LIFETIME possession – soo SECRET that no one else alive knows (with the exception of my own mom and sister).

In fact, I’ve been keeping it even until now and I found my protection and confidence from it as a child, even in the face of scary dark rooms and imaginary horrors like the boogeyman. Should I become SO famous one day that I even have my own wing in a museum long after my departure, this item will probably be displayed behind the glass!

NO, it’s not a toy, by the way.

So what is this prized item that I have been taking special treasure of?


A. Complete the crossword puzzle below.
B. After completing the crossword puzzle, re-arrange all the alphabets in the blue boxes to discover the “secret word”!

One example has already been done for you – it’s up to you to complete the crossword puzzle and de-code the secret. So are you game? If you’re on, then let the challenge begin!

The Edmund Loh Crossword Puzzle Challenge!

(Click on thumbnail to enlarge in a new window or tab.)

1. My favorite fast food and hang out.
2. The author of the very first book I have ever read on starting an Internet Business.
3. The person responsible for humbling me in Quake III: Arena.
4. Less than a week ago, I have just moved into this ______ color house.
5. The very first comic book I have read. (Hint: it’s about a creature from the future who appears from the drawer.)

6. I can do this breakdance (b-boy) move.
7. The brand of my flagship Private Label Rights products.
8. When I was in school, I was very _________ most of the time! I don’t think I have gotten rid of this habit entirely even now.
9. My former nickname when playing First Person Shooters like Counter-Strike.
10. The VERY, VERY first computer game I have played.

The Answer Is:

“My _ _ _ _ _ _!”

This should be a fairly easy crossword puzzle – don’t think it should be that hard for you or anyone to solve. So have fun, everyone! 😛

P.S: Answers will be revealed after the weekend.