Edmund Loh dot com – Internet Marketing Blog

Edmund Loh dot com

I am pleased to announce that my Internet Marketing Blog is up and going officially. ๐Ÿ™‚ I will be adding more stuff to this new blog and I should have the commitment to keep the updates on a weekly frequency.

It’s challenging nonetheless; it’s just the start of 2009 and I am already so busy, because I’m producing a few products in the same month for a few launches in the subsequent months. Not to mention that I have a Forex class to attend over the weekend and I’m preparing for my trip to Sydney, Australia on 7th – 14th February.

Back to topic…

As mentioned 4 previous posts ago, EdmundLoh.name (this blog you’re reading now) will be kept strictly as my Personal Homepage. If you’re an old friend or new acquaintance, I hope you will continue visiting my Personal Homepage. I have set a goal for visiting at least 5 different countries this year (not counting Singapore) and I expect to put up a lot of photos on this blog throughout. ๐Ÿ™‚

Whereas EdmundLoh dot com is now my official Internet Marketing blog and hub for all of my online projects and serial entrepreneurship. I have moved the PRODUCTS and TESTIMONIALS page to that blog. So if you’re at least even remotely interested in Internet Marketing and serial entrepreneurship, you can ‘pick my brain’ at my IM blog now. ๐Ÿ™‚


Meeting Calvin Woon & Patricia Lin

Finally! After a couple of postpones and ‘almost got to meet up’, I finally got to meet Calvin Woon and Patricia Lin in person.

I rarely get visitors in Johor Bahru. It’s usually me who goes down to Singapore or up north to PJ/KL when there’s a function or something important going on. So it’s a good change to have someone from Singapore come over instead.

In fact, I was there only the day before to pick up some copies of Secrets of Millionaire Students from Stuart Tan‘s office and boy, were they bulky! Each book has 369 pages! This is the thickest book the AKLTG publishing house has ever produced to date. Hmm… must be Dylan Loh‘s ‘stories’ that added to the weight. ๐Ÿ˜›

Anyways, I arrived on time to meet up with the couple outside McDonald’s, City Square. (why do I always make appointments to meet for people at McDonald’s?) Then we had lunch at Vivo’s. It was nice of Pat to treat me. ๐Ÿ™‚ I used to refuse offers to treat every time I had a meal with a new acquaintance or an old friend. I always prefer to pay my own way (and at times, counter-treat!) But I already wised up and gave in this time. Ha ha!

Okay, I think I did well in the first impression department. At least I think so. I mean, Calvin still awarded me the copywriting contract. Good thing he didn’t change his mind. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Calvin Woon & Patricia Lin

That’s Calvin and Pat.

Edmund Loh


Scribbling Aboutโ€ฆ

Scribbling notes… only to realize how much my handwriting hasn’t changed since kindergarten. ๐Ÿ™‚

City Square

The City Square.

So what can I tell you about Calvin and Pat? Friendly and down to earth is how I would describe them. Calvin got his first start at making money on the Internet some 2 years ago. And did I mention that my website, Resell Rights Mastery, was one of the earliest sites he used as a resource for learning? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Okay the self praise aside, the truth is that the only person that can make you succeed or go on to achieve greater heights is yourself. And Calvin knew that. And he did just that. He’s now got a healthy progress in business and is joined by his girlfriend Patricia, and 2 other close partners from other countries, Jonathan Teng and Venkatarama. Singapore, you have another rising star. ๐Ÿ™‚

It was also interesting to listen to how they both got to know each other in the first place. Something you can never pull off in Malaysia, for sure. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thanks for coming over and looking forward to see you both again! Have fun in Maritius. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Pictures from Patricia Lin.

Secrets of Millionaire Students Now Available in Singapore Bookstores

The book Secrets of Millionaire Students is now available in major book stores throughout Singapore. If you are in Singapore, you can now get your copy. I will let you know when the book is going to be available here in Malaysia too.

Official Website:

If you are on FaceBook, come join our group Millionaire Students:


Book Launch Postponed

The book launch for Secrets of Millionaire Students at AKLTG Singapore, which is supposed to be held today, will be postponed until further notice, though it will still be within this month.

Due to changes in plans, now the book launch will be carried out in different book shop locations. Further updates on time and location will be given so just check back this site often.

Soon, the website URL to Secrets of Millionaire Students blog will be officially announced (it’s already around, but we need to fix up some technical glitches at the moment).

Sorry for last minute update!

UPDATE 11th October 2008

Chris Shia, our book editor, had just made an announcement on the release of the book into the stores.

Secrets of Millionaire Students - Release

In short…

– The Secrets of Millionaire Students will be in major bookstores throughout Singapore starting 17th October 2008.

– I am still liasing with Stuart and Dylan on scheduling the book talk.

– Release in Malaysian book stores will be announced later.

– If you are on FaceBook, keep tabs on the latest development on Secrets of Millionaire Students by joining the group “Millionaire Students” here. If you’re an active school-goer who already knows very well that the world of jobs is not what it’s painted to be, and you’re convinced that entrepreneurship is the way to go, hop in! ๐Ÿ™‚

Other Related Posts:
Secrets of Millionaire Students: Book Launch on 8th October 2008
I am Releasing a New Book