New Record & One Punch Man Workout

New Record Lately! ?

– 11.8% body fat (lowest to date! My average is 14-16%)

– Body age 26 (lowest so far- usually average is 27-28)

– Body weight similar 58.0 KG

Taking advantage of the long holiday in Malaysia to squeeze in these daily workouts! ?

A few weeks ago, I joined a growing Facebook Group movement called the One Punch Man workout.

The movement is inspired by a running gag in the One Punch Man manga where the hero Saitama gets his ridiculous strength from doing 10KM runs, 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, and 100 squats everyday without rest.

While it is humanly achievable, there are 1o levels to it. For example:

Level 1 = 1 KM run, 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 10 squats

Level 2 = 2 KM run, 20 push ups, 20 sit ups, 20 squats

…… all the way up to

Level 10 = 10KM run, 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats

And the catch here is to do this everyday consistently for at least 7 days in a row. You can pick any level to start at. I started at Level 2.

The challenging part is maintaining the discipline to do this daily for 7 consecutive days at least. Fortunately, I have a gym just upstairs and thanks to convenience of a nearby work place, I can squeeze in the daily OPM workouts – except when I am doing seminars and workshops.

Just as important is diet & nutrition.

Right now I am Level 4. Running is a poor calorie burner though it’s good for getting the body warmed up and sweating. So I’d do the first 2KM run, and make up the remaining with burpees (1KM = 10 burpees)

I am already at an ideal weight – I won’t drop anywhere below 57KG, and no more than 59KG.

Way I feel, I am satisfied with my body and where I am at now – just a bit of optimization is all. 🙂

Back To The Jungle Again?

Would you believe it? It’s only second time I’ve played this sport for the year.

There was a time I would play this almost every weekend, if not every month. 9 years later and while I still keep my essential gears to play, I spend more time on other activities that are… simpler and nearer.

Video games like Call of Duty helped popularize this sport years back, but I suppose times change. Today people are into PUBG, Fortnite, and also movies genre had started seeing a shift.

I’m still going to make it to a decade next year into Airsoft nonetheless!