The Start of a New Chapter

I believe I have adequate rest and am ready to steer full speed ahead in the next chapter of my life. I wonder what new challenges await.

Fascinating that in a twist of fate, I now see myself spending more time in PJ/KL now than in Johor Bahru as initially planned. Most of the time, I make very firm decisions especially when my mind is locked on it. And I was sure I would be making a retreat to Johor Bahru last month in the aftermath of the PLRGold5 launch. However a series of small events led to a BIG outcome, which resulted me in staying in PJ/KL for most of the time now, and I have no idea how long this will go on.

Unseen forces at work?

The PLRGold5 Aftermath and Post-Launch

As you can well tell, this isn’t the first time I was doing a Product Launch – and it certainly won’t be the last.

But this time, I did something I have never done in the aftermath of my previous Product Launches. Something SIGNIFICANT: taking a break.

In as simple as it sounds, it meant A LOT to me. Like a friend of mine said, “Who actually has at least 5 minutes to himself?”

No, I am not talking about short, 1-2 day breaks. They don’t count. I took a REAL break this time (yes, I am such a workaholic). It meant spending less time at the laptop and taking my mind off Internet Marketing for 2-3 weeks. It also meant taking the time to cool down and rest – mentally and spiritually – and did my own soul-searching.

I don’t recall taking a rest this well for several years. I was always on the move even way before the advent of my parents’ divorce. And after this significant event, it was a reaaaal, bumpy roller coaster ride for all of us – Mom, Ashley and I.

And in trying times, it meant making a lot of unwilling sacrifices. For me, it meant giving up the best year of high school with the organizations I gave my highest commitment to such as Scouts, Computer Club, Nostalgia Magazine, and more going down the drain. And later, giving up my social life and college education among a gazillion of other things.

Things got at its worst at a later stage of our trial by fire – a lot of drama followed. We knew what it was like being homeless for a few days, moving from new location to another like nomads, constantly encountering new environment and challenges that at the time seemed almost impossible to tackle, living on less than a meal a day, counting every cent yet being in-debt financially and favor-wise, and more.

You could say in a literal manner that I was biting the shit of life more than I bargained for.

Thank God, I saw an end to that awful ordeal 2 years ago.

Looking Back…

I have come to realize that I have had come so far from being a nobody to somebody.

And what a looong journey it was – from hometown to numerous places to working at my first and last full time job as an office boy, and then to starting my Internet-based Business in my humble home, which later took off to a height I never thought was possible.

In more ways than one, I still am, to this day, amazed by this “transformation” I have had gone through owing to the tough years left behind; I felt as if I was gold forged by fire.

Amazing that not too long ago, I was wearing my high school uniform and cracking out silly jokes at the back of the classroom. Now here I am behind sitting behind my lap top, receiving emails from around the world, people calling me “The PLR Extraordinare”, “The PLR Prince” and “Top Internet Marketer” followed by a list of Joint Venture proposals and Project reports. Not self-proclaimed.

I have had come so far a journey I would be insane if I actually think of turning back at this point.

Not too long ago, I secretly wished I could change some events in my life if I possessed the foreknowledge of what will happen. That I could save myself some of the horrors and miseries of life.

But then after a long thought about it, I decided that it is best left unchanged after all, EVEN IF the privilege presents itself. for I fear I will not turn out to be the man I am today. Had I not go through the trial of fire, I would have probably been another typical college-goer with no personality and strong drive to boot, making trivial chat and rants the order of everyday life. And I would have been less stronger and less aware of other people’s issues, problems and challenges.

On many counts, I really, really am glad the silver lining behind the dark clouds have offered me an abundance of generous rewards that money cannot buy.

Not That I Am Perfect All The Time, Of Course…

And so far from it.

If you would check out one the earlier posts I have recorded to my Personal Blog, I have openly declared Year 2007 as my “Expansion Year”. I have not forgotten my New Year’s Resolution let alone my overall goal as a whole.

In the first 2 quarters of the year, though, I was leaning towards the unhappy mood, not so much because of business challenges and competition but I was declining in person and character.

I met more and more new people in person in this year alone as compared to my previous years. My scarred experience (and little social exposure) taught me not to trust new people easily and on many occasions, I had been known to be blunt . In an act of defence, I behaved tough and arrogant on the exterior too.

There is a saying that goes “the tongue is sharper than the sword”, and only God knows how many people I have already offended, because I lost count.

For many reasons, I shouldn’t be keeping friends. I should be losing them. But the contrary happened: a few key people was all it took to change my life.

I had been forgiven and offered so many chances to try again and it continues to amaze me how the people around me could actually tolerate my crude behaviour, and stuck with me long enough to drum the facts into my already thick skull!

At the risk of testing their patience for too long, it was a clear sign I had to make an attitude check. And I certainly didn’t have a lot of time to make amendments.

I was shy – I still am – and I was really afraid of making a drastic change in my character and attitude towards people. But heck, I kept telling myself that I had nothing to lose (except more friends, if I continued to carry on with my attitude unchanged!).

In the early stages of implementing the change, which meant being softer, less serious looking, more friendly, relaxed, and less being a fundamentalist, I have heard a lot of surprised remarks and comments such as “Edmund, are you okay?” “Why are you so nice all of a sudden?” and even “Are you being nice… only to me?”

Well, definitely beats being crude and rude all the time, no? Just today at least two friends have acknowledged my improvement in character, saying along the lines of “you have improved a lot today compared to when I first met you”.

Ah, music to my ears! I wish I can replay those lines over and over again – they are so encouraging and motivating. 🙂

Reaching Out to Others…

This new experience also meant making changes in my perception and belief in other social areas, one being that of a listener. Previously, I had loathed the idea of being a listener. Long story on that one but to cut it short, I thought it was me acting as a “rubbish dump” for other people to pour their wails and complains about their problems onto me.

Then I have come to learn that there’s a lot of positive PLUSES to being a listener. Not only did I learn a lot, it had made me acutely aware of other people’s problems and challenges and made me constantly think of solutions to help them achieve a better life; even a small change would be a tremendous achievement.

So, the result? I have been sworn to secrecy but a number of friends and people whom I have come to know have shared some of their private, inner-most challenges and/or problems with me. And on many counts, I am usually one of the few, and sometimes the only one, to know to such inner detail.

What did I learn? While money can solve most of the problems today, there are still problems that money is NOT the solution to. There’s another wise quote that goes “money is the most important in things in which it is required, and the most useless in which it is not required.”

Personally, I am not one who can stand around doing nothing or even sleep soundly at night knowing that someone I know is in seriously trying times.

Will this be one of my new challenges?

My gut feeling tells me that I may have found my genuine mission. I have yet to phrase it out properly in a line just yet but definitely along the lines of “giving hope to the hopeless”. Sounds corny at the moment, I know, but I will be able to paraphrase it better in due time.

One thing for sure, my new challenge will not be just about bringing my business to the next level, but also helping people while building my character – there is still so much more room for improvement.

VERY INTIMIDATING GOAL, but I am game for it.

Now that I have rested well and enough, this marks the wrapping of the previous small chapter of my life (with HUGE significance and impact) and starting a new chapter with new challenges, new location, new goals, and new people to move forward with.

I am so thankful for the people whom I have met – past and present (especially present 🙂 )– and in spite of grim and setbacks, I know I can count on some people to fall back on confidently. I am also thankful for the positive impact that my family and friends have delivered and shaped me in today.

I look forward to not only improve myself further, I also aim to be a very dependable and reliable friend myself, alongside with growing my business into an empire. There are still many more exciting new people to meet and who knows? I may just find my first girlfriend.

Getting Ready for the UYMG Seminar and another Crossword Puzzle for You :-)

Hello Kids (and Kids at Heart)!

I am getting ready to attend the 5-day “Unleash Your Marketing Genius” seminar by Stephen Pierce at the KLCC Convention Center on 28th of this month… all thanks to the seminar ticket awarded by none other than Hazel! 😛

Due to the long hours at the seminar each day, I don’t expect to update my Personal Blog for a while. However, here’s yet another Edmund Loh Crossword Puzzle to keep you entertained at the moment. I spent half an hour doing this so this should keep you amused for a while. 🙂

Expect this one to be more challenging than the first, by the way.

The Edmund Loh Crossword Puzzle Challenge #2: Friends & Acquaintances

Okay friends and blog stalkers visitors! Some of you might wonder why and how I obtained the seminar ticket for free. Was it because I bribed Hazel into giving me a seat No, I’m not a freeloader. Perhaps I participated in a slogan-writing contest? Well, she could have just given the ticket to anyone else. But why me? (Actually I have my own guesses, and I’d like to believe THIS is WHY.) 😉

Now if you know who my friends and acquaintances are, you will then unlock the ULTIMATE answer! 🙂

So here’s the deal:

A. Complete the crossword puzzle using the clues as given below.
B. After completing the crossword puzzle, re-arrange all the alphabets in the blue boxes to form two different words that hold the key to the answer!

One example has already been done for you. It’s up to you to complete the rest!

This puzzle will certainly prove to be more challenging than the first. Not only are the clues less obvious, the crossword puzzle has included both good pals… and pals whom I have just come to know only recently! And it’s definitely harder to make wild guesses now because as of lately, I have been meeting a lot of new people.

Okay, enough of discouraging you. 😛 Let’s see you try decoding it!

Crossword Puzzle Challenge #2

1. He was the first partner who went into business with me on my first year online. (Hint: Old neighborhood friend and had helped introduce me to my first and last full time job!)
2. Practically named after a type of nut.
3. This tri-lingual creature has an obsessive passion for designer board games.
4. I am betting my financial future on this slimy, black hatter.
5. This friendly chap is only 1-2 years my junior, but is already a millionaire!
6. My former junior scout comrade back in my high school days; responsible for whipping a galore of stunning graphics for my products and websites!

7. The one responsible for introducing The Settlers of Catan as a hobby.
8. She hails all the way from the south with stunning piano skills to boot.
9. The sweet angel who sure knows how to treat me like a prince!
10. One of my deadliest ghostwriting assassins who also knows how to party real hard.
11. Easily my BEST customer! He shares the same name with that famous 70’s singer.
12. The Malaysian version of Macgyver.
13. The friendly programming elite who hails from Indonesia, whom I have had the pleasure of meeting him in person in Singapore middle of this year.

The Answer:
“Because I am _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!”

Okay, have fun solving this, kids and kids-at-heart! 🙂 I will release the answers as soon as the 5 day seminar is over.

*Oh, and a final hint (and encouragement)* I’ve mentioned the names of these people AT LEAST ONCE in my blog. So practically, you can uncover some of the clues just by teeth-combing through my past blog archives! 🙂

Awesome Adventures after Moving into the Pink House! :-)

Okay I’ve been stocking up a barrage of photos in my hand phone over the past two weeks and it’s finally time to upload them onto my Personal Blog! 🙂

Stuart Tan’s

Alright, there are no photos to display here because the call was done over the phone. On 13th September, I took part in Stuart Tan’s Super Telethon Charity program – whereby I was one of the 36 speakers, each participating in a 60-minute call with Stuart Tan.

I got my hand phone loaded with more than enough prepaid credits and battery charged just in time to take the call. Definitely, it wouldn’t have been nice to become a “no show” and who else better to talk on the subject of Private Label Rights? 🙂 Ha ha!

I have had the pleasure of meeting Stuart in person earlier this year at Adam Khoo Learning Technologies in Tanjong Pagar, Singapore. I found Stuart to be friendly and motivating. This is the same guy who had authored/co-authored a number of best-selling books on Self Improvement and Internet Marketing? Amazing!

Certainly, I look forward to meeting him again real soon, possibly next month in Singapore.

Moving into the Pink House

It was rise and shine – time to leave the “falling apart” house for a better place to call home… away from home!

After 15 minutes of packing everything up, this pretty much summarized all the things I was going to take with me. One car trip definitely more than suffices!

The Only Things! I am sooo humble… :-)

On my way out, I spotted a familiar looking car in maroon. I wonder who drives this devilish car? Hmmm… looks like the Fuu Fuu Mobile.

The Fuu Fuu Mobile

Once moving in the things into the new pink house, Khai and I made a quick dash to IKEA to purchase some furniture like chair, table and a 3-drawer cupboard.

Me on Wheels…

Yup, that’s me lazing around on the chair at IKEA. Think Professor X (or Professor Loh if you’d rather).

As soon as we brought the things back to my new place, I quickly unpacked the boxes and went on to set up my first chair!


Not bad for someone who isn’t good at handiwork, huh? 😉 Unfortunately, the handy work proved too much for me so predictably, I hired Matt to help me with the table and cupboard set up.

Matt Ng on Fire!

Looks like Matt grew tired of my incompetence when it comes to handiwork. That’s ample warning alright!

Next, I had to help Jennifer with the moving of her things from her apartment into the new house as well. This would mean FREE furniture, decorations and kitchen utilities for me in this new home! 🙂 However, I don’t cook and I hardly watch TV, if any at all.

In a nutshell, Jennifer owns a chain of laundry businesses – 5 in all – TTDI, Bukit Jelutong, Bangsar, and two more. And she’s definitely NOT stopping: she’s currently expanding her business further and I could see she is the frugal entrepreneur stereotype, whereby you pour most of your profits back into the business for expansion over spending on yourself.

Hmm… that pretty much solves my laundry problems. 😛

Heading to Mindvalley Labs

Ah, life of an X-Men. 🙂 The Institute of Higher Learning for Gifted Youngsters. Honestly, for some reason, I feel quite at home there though I spend only a couple of hours there a day, and come in on the average of 2-3 days a week.

Trip to Mindvalley

Saw Yuenn on a Piano Lessons Ad!

Heeey… looks like Yuenn is actually famous!

Yuenn on Ads!

Got Stuck in a Lift for More than 30 Minutes!

Now how often do things like this actually happen? Close to zero. Or so I thought.

I was leaving Mindvalley Labs when the lift suspended at the first floor – one more storey to the ground floor! It was a Lif Bomba thus there were two doors in the lift: one being the main and the other on the left.

When the lift was suspended at the first floor, the side door was opening a little, and then it closed. Then it opened a little again, and then it closed. Over and over again. And due to the violent impact, the lift was practically shaking every 10 seconds.

And you know what? I was all alone in the lift!

I was to meet John Tan shortly to discuss a programming project but as luck had it, there was no reception in the lift therefore my hand phone was practically rendered useless. And not that pressing all the buttons on the lift actually helped, anyway.

For a moment, I really, REALLY thought I was going to die. Suddenly becoming pessimistic, I counted the levels below the first floor: Ground, LG1, LG2, B1, B2. If the lift breaks by any chance, I would plunge down to my death 5 storey deep. Life flashed before my eyes.

Well hey, who has ever heard of people dying because of lifts breaking off? But thanks to the horror/action movies I have been watching, the scenes of lifts breaking off and people inside plunging down to their explosive deaths came rushing to my mind, at a time where a big chunk of my logic flew off my head.

Fortunately, there was an INTERKOM feature on the lift! After ringing the button a couple of times, I was almost relieved when I heard the security personnel answered my distress for rescue! 🙂

While waiting for the lift door to open…

The Scary Lift!

After experiencing quake every 10 seconds for more than half an hour and lights going on and off occasionally, I rushed out as soon as the door opened!

I was half-expecting someone – the maintenance guy – to be around so I could thank him. But there was no one in sight. Oh, so the lift door was opened by remote control, huh?

Uh, thanks anyway. I would better be off to my meeting with John (and still got there 5 minutes early in spite of the half an hour delay)!

I was relating this to Hazel and being the preacher and hailer of all things logic, she went on to patiently explain to me the structure of a lift, where was it made (China, by the way), why it would never fall off, yadda yadda yadda… (Sorry, my caveman brain could only absorb so much but thanks for the education!). 🙂

Goes to show that little knowledge is dangerous, no knowledge at all is embarrassing! I’m still not sure about taking a lift again though; might prefer the stairs this time?

Playing Settlers of Catan with Dennis Sim

Dennis Sim the comment guy! He came all the way from Klang NOT to comment on us, but to join us in two rounds of Settlers of Catan. 😛

Dennis Sim

Being a first timer, Khai patiently explained the rules of the game to Dennis.

Khai & Dennis

And over here, we have Yuenn showing off her rubber band skills. She just made an airplane out of two rubber bands!

Yuenn and her rubberband skills

Can’t seem to leave me alone, huh? Yuenn built a town all over my face and torso.

The Edmund Loh Town!

Okay, it’s game time!

Let’s Game!

2 Hours Later…
Sorry I just had to win both the games, friends! 😛 (I bet Khai and Yuenn were fuming… especially Yuenn.)

Random Shots

Mad Elephant on the road…

Elephant on a trailer on Saturday night!

The Party

A dizzy shot at the Bangsar Permai Saturday Night party.


Khai Lee probably drank too much.

Spam Killer Liquid

Pour this solution over your computer and expect it to get rid of your stubborn spam problems instantly! 🙂

Stray Kura @ Atria

Heeey… it’s a stray kura! Feel like smuggling it back home. 😛


I could use a bit of hair cut soon…

And to Wrap it Up…

What a fruitful two weeks of fun after the Product Launch! 🙂

Me again!

I’d better rest well before I continue with my Internet Marketing journey to supremacy. Thanks for the King’s treatment, Eve! 🙂

The Edmund Loh Crossword Puzzle Challenge!

Hello Kids (and Kids at Heart)!

I’m about to put your “Edmund Loh” knowledge to the test through my unique crossword puzzle quiz… with a twist added to it. 🙂

Alright, here’s the deal so listen carefully: you are about to discover one of my highly treasured, priceless LIFETIME possession – soo SECRET that no one else alive knows (with the exception of my own mom and sister).

In fact, I’ve been keeping it even until now and I found my protection and confidence from it as a child, even in the face of scary dark rooms and imaginary horrors like the boogeyman. Should I become SO famous one day that I even have my own wing in a museum long after my departure, this item will probably be displayed behind the glass!

NO, it’s not a toy, by the way.

So what is this prized item that I have been taking special treasure of?


A. Complete the crossword puzzle below.
B. After completing the crossword puzzle, re-arrange all the alphabets in the blue boxes to discover the “secret word”!

One example has already been done for you – it’s up to you to complete the crossword puzzle and de-code the secret. So are you game? If you’re on, then let the challenge begin!

The Edmund Loh Crossword Puzzle Challenge!

(Click on thumbnail to enlarge in a new window or tab.)

1. My favorite fast food and hang out.
2. The author of the very first book I have ever read on starting an Internet Business.
3. The person responsible for humbling me in Quake III: Arena.
4. Less than a week ago, I have just moved into this ______ color house.
5. The very first comic book I have read. (Hint: it’s about a creature from the future who appears from the drawer.)

6. I can do this breakdance (b-boy) move.
7. The brand of my flagship Private Label Rights products.
8. When I was in school, I was very _________ most of the time! I don’t think I have gotten rid of this habit entirely even now.
9. My former nickname when playing First Person Shooters like Counter-Strike.
10. The VERY, VERY first computer game I have played.

The Answer Is:

“My _ _ _ _ _ _!”

This should be a fairly easy crossword puzzle – don’t think it should be that hard for you or anyone to solve. So have fun, everyone! 😛

P.S: Answers will be revealed after the weekend.

Saturday Night Party at Bangsar Permai

Due to limited Internet access I hardly went online for the last few days and even so, I needed to attend to my PLRGold5 customer support issues and inquiries.

Okay, now when was the last time I actually partied this hard? Hmm… 🙂

Daylight Rush

It was a rush in the day time as I had just relocated to the Damansara Kim the day before. Khai and I purchased a set of furniture from IKEA but unfortunately, I have to left hands when it comes to handiwork. And almost anything purchased from IKEA is Do-It-Yourself.

At least I’ve set up my own chair. 🙂

Since I couldn’t stand seeing my room in such a mess, I decided to hire Mattgyver again to help me with the setting up of the cupboard and half-done table.

It turned out that I bought a set of cheap, lousy tools for the job. So yeah, I went out and bought the best screwdriver I could fine and we got the table and cupboard all set up in a breeze – wheeeee!

I had to buy myself a new pair of clothes and a bottle of wine (or was it champagne? No idea) since not only is it a good customary to NOT come to a party empty-handed, it is also good NOT to wear old clothes, especially if you have been wearing them since 1999 and that you have busted a hole or two in your underwear.

Rush Hour 4?

I made haste to Bangsar Permai so I left home at least 2 hours early because not only am I not familiar with the Bangsar area, I didn’t want to take a gamble on taxi drivers who may or may not be willing to drive me there from my location.

So I did a smart thing: just hop a bus to KL Sentral from Uptown and then get the cabby to drive me to the doorstep of Bangsar Permai. 🙂

I came just in time (at 9:00 PM) only to find out that there will still preparations going on. Couldn’t stand just standing around, I offered some help – like following Khai Lee to 7-11 to buy some ice and mineral water. The apartment scene was a déjà vu though, considering that I had spent the last couple of days shifting and doing home preparations.

It was only an hour later or so that the apartment became sardine-packed with people from all walks of life (literally) and turned into a party pad before anyone knows it.

The People

Coming much well prepared this time – with sleek new clothes, a bottle of something and name cards to go – check out the people whom I have had the pleasure of meeting at the party bash:

Mindvalley People
Since Mindvalley is an army of brains packed into one entity, I will generally classify them all as “Mindvalley People”. Since they were hosting the party thus deserve the first mention. 🙂 Props for organizing such a fantastic party! See you people on coming Monday.

The Bartender
Didn’t get to hear his name properly (sounded like Shiken or something) – he was one of the earliest guests that came over, besides me. 🙂 Thanks a bunch for launching the drinks over, and understanding that I don’t drink alcohol.

Jason Lim
What do you know? He was my scout senior back in high school! His face looks rounder now, though I could recognize some distinct features. Currently, he is a business consultant and must be doing pretty well!

I have to admit the party dance was lively because of her, but she did look like a dancing skeleton! 😛

Seng Chai
Haha… the 26-year old guy who hasn’t really revealed what he does!

Nicholas & Joyce
I had no idea they were from my former high school, too! And what more surprising was that I don’t recall seeing them before since they are only one year older than me. Even though I didn’t talk or get to know with every single person at school back then, I would have at least remembered faces. But I didn’t remember seeing Nicholas or Joyce. Nicholas was from an IT class – the same class as another guy named Mun Tuck, another chap I once know. Hmm…

For the first 5 seconds, I didn’t recognize her even after she greeted me. Plus, I thought she was supposed to be in Penang (but no, she was here too)! I trusted her with some writing work just recently and expected her to work while I go party. 😛 I should feel really guilty! Still, it was great to see her in person again.

John Tan & Iris
HIGHLIGHT: Now this is SERIOUSLY one of the last people on Earth I expected to meet… again!

I barely remembered John initially (and so does he anyway). I introduced myself to him and talked casually until I realized that… you know what? He and I and the rest of the ole’ neighborhood gang used to frequent cyber cafes some 10 years ago! Yes, with other chaps like Yoon Wei, Wai King, Lek Soon, Thavan, Vincent Tan, Victor Tang, and more.

I wasn’t a close friend of his since he studied in a different school and like me, led a totally different life from high school onwards. But even though he’s into the games business (he always love gaming) I felt that we share a lot in common let alone much to talk about!

Another example of “the world is getting smaller” and a case of law of attraction in effect?

John is only one year older than me but he’s very, very enterprising. He started his first business at the age of 17 in New Zealand, and now runs a game development company.

He has this interesting theory that gamers are actually enterprising people (or something along those lines. I got to check with him again soon). I think it’s already proven! 🙂

A friend and business partner of John Tan, though he runs his own company in the filming field. A very nice guy though he could use some help on abstaining from drinking too much. 🙂


Ok nothing much to write about it since it was all dance, dance, dance… which I haven’t been dancing let alone partied this hard since the last time I could remember.

And the party couldn’t be more fun without me busting out a display of raw skills and energy on the dance floor. 🙂

This went on all the way until 4 in the morning.

Bangsar Permai Party with Edmund Loh

L-R: Iris, John Tan, Khai Lee, Me.

Okay, not one of our best photos – we look so tired and messed up after several hours into the party – talking and dancing (and drinking and smoking for some others).

All in all, Saturday night was a blast!