750 Traffic Tactics PLR: Launch Diary

The PLR Sale URL:

Before Launch

    The PLR Sale
    Without divulging the figures, I conducted my demand research and product development with the assumption that I am on a tight budget. Spending a lot of money can be very tempting especially when I have more than enough but I wanted to prove that:

    * Product Launch success can be pulled off on a low budget,
    * It’s possible to conduct in the shoes of a one-man entrepreneur,
    * There IS such a thing called ‘low-cost, high-profit’,
    * It is easy to do a low-ticket sale with only a handful of JV Partners and affiliates.

    Product Creation
    Research and product development took me almost one month to complete. Of course, this didn’t mean that I spent 24 hours a day throughout the duration.

    [1] The product development was outsourced to two trusted team of ghostwriters to have it done simultenously, and I made sure they were knowledgeable enough to handle the task.

    [2] Sales Letter – I am skilled in this area thus web copywriting, naturally, was no big problem. Done within the same day and continuously improved until event of launch.

    [3] Graphics – had this outsourced to a random graphics designer. My mistake (keyword: random). The graphics were good as a complementary bonus but would have a lousy impact on sales. Even I could do better than this. And that’s exactly what I did; three hours went there.

    [4] Bonuses – I have created various products in the past so I picked a handful of relevant, good ones that can help my customers and thus add value to their purchase. A few Joint Venture Partners had voluntarily contributed their own bonuses thus labeled “Mystery Bonus Deals” in the Thank You Page.

    Promotion Tools
    I didn’t foresee this PLR Sale to be on as big a scale as PLRGold Master Rights Pack. Expected most JV Partners to have their own mailing lists. Thus I’ve prepared:

    * Promotion Emails (2 variants)
    * Follow-Up Emails (one to send 1-2 days later; one on final day)
    * Pay-Per-Click Ad (for any Adwords user)

    No prelaunch emails were given due to the nature of the PLR Sale.

    Contacting JV Partners
    I’ve limited the copies of the PLR Sale to 300. I contacted up to 30 JV Partners with 25 of them replied that they were interested in joining me in this sale. I emailed every one of them and reached the rest either by phone (local Internet Marketers), meeting in person (Singapore), and chat programs (MSN Messenger, Skype, GTalk).

    On the last few days before launch, I emailed the PLRGold Affiliates list (every partner is subscribed to the JVM1 system here as well as previous affiluates) and kept them updated.

    Gave preview copies to the product which will be on sale, and collected testimonials from JV Partners and Review marketers to be published on sales page when sale goes live.

    The Fasting Ritual
    As with any previous launches I have pulled off in the past, I abstained myself from eating meat for nine days before the “big day”. NO chicken, NO beef, NO pork… and certainly NO mutton. Eating fish and seafood are acceptable. Every time I go fasting, I realize it summons a lot of discipline. In this period of time:

    * I crave for success more than ever,
    * It reminds me of my humble beginnings,
    * I respect people who fast in this age, especially since we live in a modern world where advertising and media are more influential than ever.

Launch Sequence

    3rd April
    Tested the JVManager1 system for the second last time. Motivate affiliates and JV Partners with last minute introduction of cash and prizes for Top 5 + entry into Hall of Fame for anyone who helped make at least one sale for the event. Interesting to note that this is the stage where a lot of other JV Partners and Affiliates jump in on the last minute.

    4th April
    8:00 AM Eastern Time… Ban Kai!
    (If you didn’t watch the Bleach Anime, you haven’t really lived :-))

    Oh great… server crashed. Fantastic. Well wait a minute – I could see my own website though it was loading very slow. However, JVManager1 was having problems handling the influx of traffic going through the order process. As a result, the website had trouble accepting online orders in the first three hours.

    I couldn’t reach Aurelius Tjin, my friend who was hosting my PLRGold website, as he was on a holiday until 10th April. Got off the phone with Vince Tan and learned something new: CGI programs are resource hungry!

    Ian del Carmen took the led for now when I gave him permission to host his own link via his JVM2 and hosting. Sales accounted on Ian’s side became separate for the time being while waiting for server to be relieved of traffic stress.

    Answered 100’s of support tickets and JV Partner emails then went off to the cyber cafe nearby to play Company of Heroes to take my mind off the worry. Didn’t play for long though – watching the machine gun bullets flying and zipping through the environment and buildings being blown up in the game did nothing but remind me of the traffic zipping through my website and blowing up the server. It was really hard to enjoy a good game at this time.

    Three hours later, server became more stable and orders started flowing in. NEAT! Stayed up until morning to answer customer and prospect support tickets and keeping in constant touch with JV Partners.

    5th April – 24 Hour Update
    Two third of the packages are gone. I severely undestimated the number of Affiliates and JV Partner taking part in this PLR Sale. Of course, it’s a good problem to have. ๐Ÿ™‚ And I have yet to email my own mailing list to tell them about my latest PLR Sale.

    Broadcasted the email to my members, customers and subscribers about my latest PLR Sale to see if this interests them. Kept in touch with other JV Partners via MSN Messenger and GTalk. Updated the latest standings as of Day 1 for the JV Leaderboard. Continued servicing my customers and answering prospective inquiries.

    6th April – The “Last Dance”
    58 out of 300 copies left. Updated the latest standings on the JV leaderboard and motivated Affiliates & JV Partners for the final push to sell out all copies. Have witnessed different marketing tactics by Affiliates such as follow up emails, product reviews, blogging, Adwords, and Web 2.0 methods.

    7th April – THE SELL OUT
    Finished on the dot at 12:00 AM Eastern Time (or 12:00 PM Malaysian time) and closed the PLR Sale with premature effect – mission accomplished: all 300 copies sold.

After Launch

Thanks a bunch to my marketing partners, customers and product development team for making this a success! ๐Ÿ™‚

Back from Two Week’s Absence

Edmund’s Notes: I posted this post on 30th March 2008 and updated the previous post on 2nd April. I got back on today to find out that… it seemed my blog went back in time? Not only did I find this post in the drafts, the updates and comments seem to have been reversed back to some time ago. (???)

Hmmm… I don’t know what just happened but looks like I have to re-post this again and it’s sad that all the recent comments were gone too, including the photos taken in Singapore. Grrr! ๐Ÿ™ Oh well…

Even in my busiest moments, I still make it a habit to blog at least once a week. Doing business can quickly turn into a chore sometimes, no matter how passionate I am about Internet Entrepreneurship. And my Personal Blog provides a good escapade as well as a good balance between work and enjoying life. ๐Ÿ™‚

After checking out my last post to this blog (14th March)… wow, it’s been more than two weeks that I’ve been neglecting my poor Personal Blog! Yes I had been busy – I’ve been working on a couple of secret, ‘covert operations’ which at this stage it’s too early to reveal any information to the public. Yet.

Also, there hasn’t been anything else worthwhile to post about until only lately. If you’ve been dropping by almost every day expecting some update, this should make your visit worthwhile again. ๐Ÿ™‚

NOTE: Even when I am not posting to this Blog, I make it a habit to keep my FaceBook status up to date, and as real-time as possible. I spend more time in Johor Bahru and Singapore this time around compared to Petaling Jaya/Kuala Lumpur. So to keep tabs on my current location, check out my FaceBook status on the left hand of this Blog ya? ๐Ÿ˜‰

The Johor Bahru Retreat

As you probably notice by now, I seem to be spending more time in JB/Singapore than in PJ/KL. I find working from home the best for me compared to my temporary room in PJ, and for many reasons.

My mom cooks my meals here. In PJ, going out to eat every meal time is not only costly (though I don’t mind forking out a bit) but it’s a real time-killer. I clean my room very often – in fact, more often than when I’m in JB – but it gets dirty really, really quick too. Perhaps the house is old. The room isn’t a feasible place to produce inspiring ideas and my ability to work and be productive in that room rarely reaches optimum level. Sucks, right?

Last but not least, there’s something *creepy* about that room. A case of bad Feng Shui? Who knows. I’m giving it up real soon anyways.

Moving most of my things back to JB was one of the wiser decisions I’ve made this year, and it was a good start for business to roll into momentum and every other area in life starts to improve and get better. ๐Ÿ™‚ Besides, I won’t make myself too easily available to ‘time vampires’ from now on.

Edmund Loh

Oh and did I also mention that the weather is more cooling in JB as well? Although the weather is getting warmer again, there are some really cold, rainy nights that I had to wear a jacket. ๐Ÿ˜‰

One-Day Trip in Kuala Lumpur

Just two days ago, I had to make a quick trip back to Kuala Lumpur to retrieve my flight ticket – I’ll be going overseas in mid April to experience a different culture. And yes, go for a short holiday. ๐Ÿ™‚

And since I was in KL, I might as well drop by and have my hair treated as well.

Eve Soh & Edmund Loh

That’s Eve Soh with me. ๐Ÿ™‚ Be gentle with the head… it produces million dollar ideas!


Panny. My favorite chat buddy. ๐Ÿ™‚

Single & Availableรขโ‚ฌยฆ Want my Phone Number? ;-)

Single, attractive and available. Any guy interested in her? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Kura, Kura & Kura

Walked by the pond at Central Park, in front of 1Utama. My favorite tortoises a.k.a. stray kuras. ๐Ÿ™‚

Kura, Kura & Kura

Singapore Internet Marketing Commandos – Orchard

Next day: back in JB and then a hustle trip to meet the Singaporean Internet Marketing Commandos at Wheelock’s Place, Orchard. Met Jaz Lai and Dylan Loh.

This was also my first time meeting Shree ‘The Dating Coach’ in person. I did see his photo somewhere on FaceBook before this. You have to hand it that Social Networking sites and other web 2.0 applications are responsible for making the world flat and smaller every day. ๐Ÿ™‚

Initially, looking for the trio was difficult. Dylan instructed me to go to Wheelock’s Place at Orchard. Not that I had been there before. Going to Orchard and looking for Wheelock’s was easy but because my handphone was practically useless in Singapore (read: no International roaming) and realizing I couldn’t receive incoming calls, Dylan couldn’t call me either.

Forget the phone booths, they’re not user friendly either as they assume the entire nation in Singapore uses the phone card. So, I took a blind guess looking for the Singaporean Internet Marketers at both Coffee Bean and Starbucks. And what do you know? They were camping at the corner of the Starbucks cafe! ๐Ÿ™‚

EDIT: As said earlier at the beginning of this post, when I got back to my Personal Homepage I found out that not only this post was in draft mode, the updates to the previous post were gone too and so were the comments made in the past few days.

I’ll have to restore this post and the updates to the previous post on the Bali Event. The comments are gone and it’s a bummer I didn’t save the photos on my Singapore trip in my hard drive. What a way to start the morning but hope this doesn’t happen again next time!