Las Vegas

5th – 8th January 2011: London
8th – 15th January 2011: Las Vegas, US

After so long, I finally set foot on American soil! 🙂

Before going to the US, I stopped by London for a couple of days. This would be my second time here. It was cold, just like the last time I came here 8 years ago.

I rendezvous with Dylan Loh and together we caught the subsequent flight to Las Vegas, US. (I must mention we narrowly missed the flight… twice!)

I spent a full week here…

– The first 3 days at the West Affiliate Summit 2011 conference,

– Met my marketing heroes Jeremy Gislason and Simon Hodgkinson face to face finally! (too bad no photos tho, they’re very private people)

– A line of other marketers as well like Jeff Dedrick, Steve Iser, and of course the newly acquainted ClickBank marketers

– Went around The Strip for shopping and catching shows with Dylan, Sherrman Cheow and his wife Lisa.

– Met my PLRGold: Videos partner Stephen Luc (finally too!) and we shot some guns at the range. 🙂

Tell you what, just watch these videos. Heheh.

Me using my beginner’s luck at one of the slots at the casino:

Stephen and I firing guns at the Vegas Gun Store:

One thought on “Las Vegas

  1. Great footage Edmund! I don’t remember how I landed on your site, but I like what I see. If you are interested in seeing more of Vegas on a personal level, feel free to contact me via email. I have been in Vegas for awhile now and run a VIP Services company and know a lot of people. To a prosperous year!
    Nick Bolz
    Vice President, Marketing
    Your VIP Group

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